Day 15: Langdale Pikes
Our Campsite provided everything we needed for the start of our adventures. We emerged from the reception hut/corner store 20 minutes after stumbling in, fuelled on bacon sandwiches, coffee and useful advice. Due to my worsening cold, and our inability to get out of the campsite before 11am, the easier, but apparently more picturesque hike was on the top of our lists, Langdale Pikes.
The photos below have been shot between Helen and myself. If they are good landscapes, it's best to assume (and give brownie points) to Helen.
Helen swears by the preventative nature of coffee for migraines and promised me this was purely for medical purposes
Helen's friend sent her a stunning photo of 2 cows when he was hiking in Switzerland, so we spent a large part of the two days chasing sheep to try and recreate an equally beautiful photograph. As a result, we have quite a few photos of sheep. I don't think any of them stack up, but they were lots of fun to try and capture on our phones.
Another majestic sheep
We were greeted with several beautiful lakes along our hike
Stopping for lunch
After making ourselves sandwiches that morning , we realised we only had one (small) zip-lock bag available to put them in. Luckily if you squish sandwiches really flat and prey to the space saving fairies, you can fit 3 sandwiches in a bag designed for 1!
Helen and her disposable camera
As part of her exchange trip Helen had been taking photos with a disposable camera, and so she was especially picky about the shots she got on it. In turn, I took great joy in photographing her thinking about shooting various landscapes.
You can see our track meandering on the right hand side
When we reached the plateau about halfway through the trip, we admittedly got a bit lost. Luckily we had a map, a compass and two Queen Scouts. Or maybe it wasn't luck at all and actually our (just enough) preparation that saved us.
We saw only a handful of people on the track that day, which made the hike feel that much more wild, and meant that the only way to get a photo of both of us together was like this.
I spy with my little eye
Spotting a wild Sam
For a hike that was recommended to take us 4-5 hours (a little over 3 if we were really keen) it only took us 7. Which we considered impressive due to the sheer number of times we stopped to take photos, chat and have "appreciation moments" as Helen dubbed them. The hike was simply stunning, and neither of us could get over the rolling greenness, and the way the light danced on the hills when it graced us with its presence.
Our perfect planning strategy resulted in heading to the pub for dinner. Cosy, dry spaces and tasty food greeted us, a perfect way to end a magical day.